pubg ramdisk

I had enough ram to create and load Skyrim from RAMdisk, I wanted to show someone how much faster it was than normal HDD and SSD loading. A RAMDISK is a virt...

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Resizing images, especially lots of them, can be a laborious exercise! Wouldn’t it be great if someone created an app that can make the job easier? GloryLogic have come up with such an app! Image Tu...

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  • When a company becomes as successful as one like Gigabyte, you are put in the position whe...
    Gigabyte i-RAM - Affordable D.I.Y Solid State Storage
  • Seeing as the game is around ~10gb I wanted to try and run it from a Ram disk to see if it...
    Anyone got PUBG to run on a ramdisk : PUBATTLEGROUNDS ...
  • 我想請問win7 64bit有使用ramdisk跟沒有用ramdisk有什麼差別嗎? 我本身是有用SSD 記憶體是8G的如果抓2G出來當ramdisk是夠用的嗎? 平常就是聽歌上網...
    想請問一些有關Ramdisk的問題 | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • 我記憶體只抓到3G 知道用RAMDISK可以把剩下的1G當作其他用途 用RAMDISK等於把那1G當作硬碟用了吧 可以用在什麼地方呢?? 我硬碟已經夠大了 不知道記憶體硬碟可以丟啥...
    RAMDISK的功用 | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • With today's RAM prices at an all-time low, it has never been a better time to stuff y...
    SuperSpeed RamDisk Plus 11 Software Review
  • Mastering PUBG With The Help Of NVIDIA ShadowPlay Highlights Entertainment Recent addition...
    Gigabyte I-RAM Storage Device | HotHardware
  • I had enough ram to create and load Skyrim from RAMdisk, I wanted to show someone how much...
    Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Loading from RAMDISK, Faster than ...
  • 你可以將PUBG存在ramdisk 裡 我個人習慣是要用在套用,沒用就重新設定(因為我有玩多款遊戲) 檔案仍然會在原本的磁區,不用擔心斷電、或重開機 因為重新設定其實不用花1分鐘 ...
    【心得】幫助一些絕地求生LAG的玩家! @絕地求生 精華區 - 巴哈姆特
  • Download Win Ramdisk at Win Informer: Spin & Win, RamDisk Plus, RamDisk Plus Secure De...
    Ramdisk at Win Software Informer
  • When I recently applied for my Radeon Reward, for two free games, I was given an offer for...
    Is anyone familiar with AMD's (new?) RAMDisk program? | ...